What I Learn From My Summer of Weddings

This past summer, Nick and I were lucky enough to be invited to several weddings. We are currently in this time in our lives where everyone is getting married. Weddings are a blast. Really, it’s like a free party for the guests. But alas, weddings are tricky things to navigate. They cost so much and for what…to tell the world, “hey look, we got hitched.” But, like I mentioned, weddings are a party for the guests. So, make it a good one. Here are some tips I picked up from the weddings we attended.

  • Serve hearty food: Most weddings have an open bar, which is great! But, don’t give your guests access to all the drinks they
    can drink and then serve them light food. You need bread, pastas and meat.affair-1238442_960_720
  • Dancing music is a must: People love to dance. Well…most people like to dance. Anywho, make sure the music is on point. Pick dancing music, not singing in the car music. Those are two different things. If your budget doesn’t allow for a DJ, no worries, stick with the Top 40.
  • Food On The Table: Your guests have spent a good part of their day getting “wedding ready” and traveling to your wedding. Most receptions have appetizers during cocktail hour, but do have some appetizers on the table. You don’t know how fast your waiter service is or how long the buffet line will be.


May the weddings continue and may your love story have a happy ending.

Hugs and Smiles,