What Snacking Can Do To Your Skin By: Adria Craig


With most of us at home, if you’re like me I have been snacking a LOT. I’ve been snacking on junk food, cheese, chips, soda. You name it, I probably have it. During this time is best to realize what I’m eating can affect my skin. I know for me I had to have my face break out to realize I needed to stop eating junk.

One of the main things I have been drinking a lot of is soda. I have about four cans of soda a day. All that sugar was a major part of why my face was breaking out. I was getting zits on my forehead and my neck. That is a sign that your eating too much processed sugar. Our bodies will tell us when it’s having too much and how to fix it.

I also have been having a lot of dairy and the older I have gotten, the more I have become lactose intolerant. Being home, I have been eating ranch, string cheese, and dinners that have extra cheese. I started to break out on my chin and lower cheeks. That is also a sign of having too much dairy. According to the Scientific American, dairy has extra hormones in it because it meant to go to a baby calf so they can grow and get bigger. Those extra hormones in us actually can make us break out more. Now I’m not saying to completely cut out dairy, but monitor how much you’re eating.

Fast Food
Lastly, fast food. I have been so guilty of getting fast food because that is the only way I can leave my house for a bit. I have had enough McDonald’s to last a lifetime. I realized my skin was oilier, zits on my upper cheeks and nose. Let’s just say, I had zits almost everywhere. It’s like I was going through puberty again in high school. I have cut back eating out and am eating healthier now.

Try: Juicing
I have cleared up my face by watching what I eat, juicing, and making sure to wash my face every day. Juicing has been a big help in clearing up my face, gaining good nutrition, and healthy sugars and fats. I eat one meal a day; usually dinner and try to juice for the rest of the day. Another way to help is to give yourself some TLC and have a little spa day at home. Just because we are home, doesn’t mean we should slack on what we were doing before.