Summer Beauty Bag Essentials With Adria Craig

While the summertime is all about soaking up the sun and marking those fantastic memories with our family and friends, our skin shouldn’t have to suffer. Our Los Angeles based makeup consultant, Adria Craig sat down with us and gave us some tips on how to keep your skin healthy

“The most important thing to always keep on you is sunscreen. It’s doesn’t matter what time of year it is you should always be putting sunscreen on underneath your makeup,” shared Craig. 

Yes, your foundation may have SPF in it, but it’s not enough to keep those UV and UVB rays away. Craig suggests that your sunscreen says a broad spectrum on the bottle so that it blocks both UV and UVB rays. 

dermalogical sunscreen epifania magazine

“My go-to sunscreen is Dermalogica’s Solar Defense Boost SPF 50. I love this sunscreen because it’s lightweight, I don’t break out from it, and I’m very pale, and it gives me that extra protection that I need,” shares Craig.  

Dermalogica’s Solar Defense Boost retails at $55. If you are an Ulta girl, you can purchase Dermalogica Oil Free Broad Spectrum SPF 30 for $54. The other sunscreen is excellent for people with really oily skin that tend to break out and works well under one’s makeup. 

During the summer, we do not want to block our pores and let’s face it, we will find ourselves sweating off our foundation, so why wear a full face of foundation. Craig suggests that you use a tinted moisturizer. This summer our founder Nicole is using a CC cream by Juice Beauty

“A great tinted moisturizer is Burt’s Bees BB cream SPF 15. It’s lightweight, and with a light powder over the top, you can get this at Target for less than $10,” shares Craig.  

Finally, for those hot days, spray on some Evian Spray, which you can find at Ulta for $14. The best way to stay beautiful this summer is to take care of your skin.