Sunscreen Shopping Tips By: Adria Craig



Top ingredients in sunscreen are Tinosorb S and M, Mexoryl SX, Oxybenzone, Octinoxate, Titanium Dioxide, and Zinc Oxide. Why are these chemicals so bad though? To get the best defense against the sun, there are two types of rays to avoid and those are UVA and UVB. Even on a cloudy day, you can still get sunburn surprisingly. Some of the ingredients are meant to block the sun but they don’t prevent aging. Tinosorb S fights against both rays but the FDA hasn’t approved this ingredient because of lack of evidence. To give your skin the best chance against the sun, here are some tips for shopping for sunscreen.

Mexoryl SX is a UV filler. That means it blocks long-wave rays that help prevent aging. Oxybenzone is in broad-spectrum so it’s a filler for UVB and UVA rays, specifically short rays. You will find it in most sunscreens and can make up to six percent of the bottle. Hawaii has banned this ingredient because they found it contributed to bleaching and poisoning coral reefs. Octinoxate is a common and strong UVB absorber and fights against sun damage. This ingredient is also banned in Hawaii for the effects it has on the environment.

When you start to think about what is the best chemical-free sunscreens. You have to change your mindset to think baby-safe sunscreen. Below are some products that fit the bill.

Sunscreen is to protect your skin from UV rays and it also lowers skin cancer risk. Even if you’re driving in your car or laying out in the sun, don’t forget to wear your sunscreen. Our skin is one of the most important organs that we have and we should take good care of it.