My First Time Using fresh Rose Face Mask

The other night after a week of harsh weather on my skin, I tried the fresh Rose Face Mask. The face mask is gel, and felt cool against my skin.

The face mask gave my skin a glowing look. You had to leave it on 5-10 minutes. Throughout that whole time, my skin felt fine. I didn’t get a burning feel, that sometimes happens with face mask. Also, because it is gel base, it easily comes off your hands, so you can do other activities.


After I wash it off, my skin felt smooth. I still had some redness and my skin was a little itchy. Especially on my cheeks. However, the following day, my skin was clear. If you are looking to smooth out your skin, try this face mask. If you are looking to help with your acne, this may not work for you.

Which face mask do you use?

Hugs and Smiles,


Editor’s Note: I received this face mask in a goodie bag. The retail price is $62.