After Christmas Facial Mask

The baking is done. The presents are open. The tree is coming down. Time for a simple facial. This homemade facial only requires two ingredients. Apple cider vinegar and water. This facial is a skin toner from the time of the Ancient Greeks. Skin toners are great because it restores your skin’s pH balance, adds a layer of protection, moisturizes and refreshes your skin. So if you wear a lot of makeup or heavy sunscreen, this is a great toner to boost your skin.

The recipe stated that I had to combine, ¼ cup of vinegar and ¼ of water for a facial. It turns out that was too much. I did not use it all. So I would use a ⅛ cup of vinegar and ⅛ cup of water, next time.

Before I applied the facial, I took off my makeup. I then applied the facial with some cotton pads. The recipe I found did not give me time, so I left it on for 10 minutes.

When I applied the facial, it did sting a bit on one of my cheeks. I do have sensitive skin, so most things do tend to sting. However, it did not leave any redness, and my skin did not break out.

After 10 minutes, I rinsed off my face with cold water and patted it dry with a towel. My skin was shiny and smooth. Seriously, smooth. I kept touching my face because it felt like baby skin.

Sit back, watch your favorite post-holiday movie and put some apple vinegar on your face.