New Year’s Resolution: Increase Reading (Mindy Kaling Book Review)

During the cold months, we spend countless hours indoors. We find ourselves going over to our bookshelf and looking at all those books, all those books we purchased but never read. Or we find ourselves downloading Kindle books for free; because, well, we can. So your New Year’s resolution may be to read more. If you are looking for a good book to kick off your New Year’s resolution, may I suggest, “Why Not Me?” by Mindy Kaling.

Mindy Kaling’s second book still has the same wit and sarcasm from her first, but you can tell she has grown up. Her views are on her current life in L.A., and everything a single, 30- something goes through.

Now, you may not agree with everything Ms. Kaling says. I don’t agree with her statement that potlucks are not proper for dinner parties. I love potlucks! But her rant about her dislike for potlucks did have me laughing.

Actually, I was laughing throughout the whole book. I would sit in bed and start laughing to myself. I would wake up Nick at midnight as he was falling asleep, and excitedly state, “Babe, babe, wake up, listen to this…” and then recite the line I just read. I think Mindy would have been proud of me.

The book is an easy read, and you should be able to finish it in about a week, maybe two. Which will help build your confidence in your reading goal.

A few more tips on increasing your reading. You don’t have to finish every book you start. If the book doesn’t grab you, then it’s not meant for you. Secondly, this whole article is about reading novels; but, you can, in fact, increase your reading by reading more news articles. You don’t have to read novels to be considered a reader.

Happy reading!