Around The World In Just 5 Books By: Sayantika Mandal



Did you have to cancel your tickets because of the pandemic? Don’t despair, here’s a list of books that will take you to some of the most? Fascinating places on earth from the comforts of your home.

Istanbul: Memories and the City by Orhan Pamuk
Pamuk’s memoir takes you not only to this vibrant city with a rich history but also captures the sweeping cultural changes that he experiences in the city. Infused with a deep sense of melancholy, this is your go-to if you want to soak in the flavors of a mystical place.

Sharks in the Time of Saviours by Kawai Strong Washburn
This novel will take you to Hawaii this summer. Get steeped in the legends and myths of the island as you follow the predicaments of the Flores family as they negotiate issues around class, race, and identity.

Bangkok Wakes to Rain by Pitchaya Subanthad
With a wide cast of characters and loosely interlinked stories, this novel will let you explore kaleidoscopically the sprawling, lush locale of Bangkok. The city is the protagonist as it moves from the past and the present to an ominous future as it slowly submerges with climate change.

The Storyteller by Mario Vargas Llosa
Set in Peru, this critically acclaimed book is a gateway to the heart of the Amazonian rainforest. Steeped in indigenous myths of the Amazonian tribes, this book raises questions about the ideas of progress and preservation in the wake of globalization and environmental devastation.

Tracks: A Woman’s Solo Trek Across 1700 Miles of Australian Outback’ by Robyn Davidson
Ready for an adventure across the vast desert with only four camels and a dog for company, combating sweltering heat, poisonous snakes, and lecherous men on the way? This memoir is not only about the journey in a hostile landscape, but also about the transformation of the self.