5 Things I’ve Forgotten How To Do Since Meeting Nick


In honor of my lovely husband’s birthday and birthday month, I decided to tell you all how he has ruined my life. He has seriously set me up to fail if I  ever find myself on my own. I mean, if the world was attacked by aliens and I was thirsty, I wouldn’t know how to get my own water.

Here are the five things I’ve forgotten how to do since I met Nicholas:

  1. Make My Own Weekend Breakfasts: It is not my fault that he makes amazing weekend breakfasts. I mean, I think if God wanted me to make my own breakfast, he would have made me a morning person. So because of Nicholas, and God really, I can’t feed myself on the weekends.
  2. Get My Own Water: I am always thirsty. Seriously….always. Nicholas always remembers to fill up my glass with water before he heads off to work. Again, if God wanted me to get my own water, he would have given me a job that starts before Nick.
  3. Get Things Off The Top Shelf: I could use a chair or a ladder, but why do that when Nick can just grab it? I’m all about efficiency.
  4. Talk To PeoDSC_0126ple When I Don’t Want To: One of the best things about having a partner who is so agreeable is that you can push off annoying people from you to them. I have a tendency to show my emotions on my face and if I am talking to an idiot, it shows. Nick is better at making them feel normal. So, why waste my time talking to someone who is annoying me and I will easily forget, if Nick can do it better? He has a way of ending the conversation without them feeling like the moron they are. If I didn’t have him, I would have to do it myself. This would be the worst.
  5. Think Of Just Myself: I have forgotten how to think of just myself. When love enters your life, you think of the other as an extension of yourself. You know what, I never want to remember how to do this again. 🙂


Hugs and Smiles,
