New Year’s Resolution: To Go Back To School or Not?

Life has a funny way of getting in the way of goals. You have a plan; and then, boom, the proverbial powers that be, throw you a curveball. Goals get pushed aside and then you find yourself in the same job or sector year after year, with no way to grow, and you are excited if you make $40,000 (which may seem like a lot for some, but in California, that gets you nothing) a year.

If you have read Epifania, and/or know me, you know that I am biased when it comes to education. I am big advocate of education. I know that not everyone needs to a formal education to get ahead; but, the way I see it, unless you can code, or create an app, you need formal education. It’s not just the education, but the connections you will make. Plus most jobs that require a formal education have benefits. I mean you are not going to be young and healthy forever.

If you are thinking about going back to college, keep in mind, it’s a big adjustment to one’s life. You might go into debt, and you have to take the time out for it. Therefore you have to let go of some things. I suggest writing out your options. Figure out the cost and the time it will take; this will give you a visual of what your life will look like for the next few years.

Secondly, take it slow. If you are an adult, going back to school, you have already built your life. No need to dive into the pool and cause issues for your life. Take one or two classes, and then increase. I see too many people take a full load and then get overwhelmed and give up.

Now if you have your bachelor’s already and are debating if you want to get a master’s. Here are my suggestions. First, please get some work experience before starting your graduate program. Nothing is worse than being in class with someone who has no work experience trying to give advice. It’s like, “child, please, go play with your colored pencils.”

Secondly, do the people who have your dream job (the job you want when you die), have their masters. If so, in what? That is always a good thing to keep in mind.

Thirdly, think about the reason you want your masters. Personally, I didn’t need mine to get ahead in my career, but it was a personal goal. Nick needed his for his career and the sector that he is in. Basically, don’t do it because everyone else is.

My final suggestion-once you have decided to go back to school. Treat yourself to some cool, adult like, school supplies. Fill that backpack with some colorful binders, and highlighters.

May you achieve your educational goals this year!

Hugs and Smiles,