5 People Everyone Needs In Their 30’s

I am in the middle of my 30’s. 34 to be exact. I know, I don’t look a day over 25. As I get older, I realized that time means more than cost. I will pay more, to save me time. When you’re younger you are always thinking about ways to save money, and then you find yourself exhausted because you did everything yourself.

Not only am I getting older, but I also have two businesses: Epifania Magazine and Epifania Marketing. I have multiple projects going on and I don’t have time to do things that don’t make me money. I have compiled a list of 5 people you need in your life to make your life easier.

Accountant: A professional accountant that you can email throughout the year. You may be a finance wizard, but you don’t have time to keep afloat with all the state and federal laws. You may want to use Quickbooks or some other tool to do it yourself; but, if you have multiple businesses and different forms of income, you want a professional- someone with CPA at the end of their name.

Hairdresser/Barber: My hair is pretty easy. I just need to cut it, thin it out, and dye the white hair every few months. I use to go to schools and have students (or friends who have experience) do my hair. But I realized that going to a professional salon, that treats you to snacks and tea, and building that relationship with a stylist, will keep your hair healthy. Nick now has a go-to barber. He, like most men, would go to Super Cuts, but one day he wanted to treat himself and learn a new way to comb his hair. He found a barbershop that does just that.

Mechanic: I don’t mean to be a typical female here, but I know the basics about cars and furthermore, I have no desire to learn more. Having a go-to mechanic, and tire shop will help you save money. Instead of charging you new client prices, they will reward you for being loyal. If you don’t have time, you can have a mechanic come to your home.

Physician: Let’s face it, you probably are pretty healthy and go to the doctor once a year. It’s worth the time to find your go-to physician. Again, it’s about building that relationship. Also, find one that you can email or text; because, let’s face it, who calls anymore?

Maid: Depending on your budget you can have a maid come to your place once a month to once a week to a special occasion. Don’t think of a maid as a luxury. I know we all grew up with parents that work and clean. But we have active lives here, and we don’t always have time or the energy to clean. Nick and I clean every week, laundry, vacuum, dishes but we have a maid come in once a month to do a deep clean. Such as the bathtub, shampooing the carpets, dusting, etc. This allows me to focus on my business instead of thinking that the bathtub is filthy.

Make sure you have the income to incorporate these people into your life. Once you do, you will realize you have more time and will stress less.