The Art Of The Informational Lunch

A few weeks ago, I received a LinkedIn message from someone I met once in my life. She was a volunteer for the BAARC (Bay Area Advertising Relief Committee), where I was the event volunteer manager. This was three years ago. Her message was concise and flattering. She stated that she admired my work in the event field and wanted to meet up for some advice.

info lunch

We met up, I gave her some advice and I even connected her to some other people. I told her I admired her bravery, because unfortunately, not a lot of people reach out to their connections.

We spend a lot of our time attending networking events and meeting new people, but we don’t build those relationships. I get it. It’s hard to maintain these relationships. But, what’s the point of having 500+ connections on LinkedIn if you don’t reach out to them?

Here are some key tips to remember when having an informational lunch:

Email people that are relevant to what you want to do.
In that email/message, state where you met. We are all busy people and need some memory jogging.
Go to them. You wanted to meet, so you have to take BART, drive, or Lyft your way there.
Come to the meeting with questions.
Take notes.
Keep in touch.
Keep the meeting short. An hour max, because we are all busy people.
Pay it forward.

Be aware that some people won’t respond to your message. Some people just don’t want to meet. It has happened to me and it will happen to you. However, with every ignored message you will get, you will get five people who are more than willing to meet with you. All you have to do is ask.

Hugs and Smiles,