Entrepreneurs You Need Exercise

There are moments when my creative juices start to dwindle. I cannot write anything. I start to drink some wine and pound away at my keyboard, hoping something intelligent will come out. Something so mind blowing, that people will be in awe of my jaw-dropping writing skills. But, all that comes out is gibberish, just boring words on a screen that anyone could have written.
There are few tricks I use to get the creative juices going: painting, coloring, listening to music, etc. But one trick that gets me going quickly is exercise. If you know me, you know I couldn’t care less about exercising. Going to the gym surrounded by sweating people and men, who just stare at your ass as you run, doesn’t sound like a great time to me.
But, I am a fan of being healthy and sexy. I have found that going for a run, a walk or a hike outside helps beat the self-pity blues and gets the creative juices flowing. Exercise works fast — so, if you are on a deadline or writing something that requires some depth, it will quickly get your mind going.
Exercising outside helps me, as it requires me to breath fresh air. Doing yoga inside can be beneficial, but it’s hard to focus on your yoga poses with your laptop next to you. If it’s raining and a quick run down the street is not an option, see if a friend will let you use their place to do yoga. A new environment always helps.
If running is not your jam, then kick or throw a ball around. Playing catch with the hubby is a wonderful way to decompress and get back into writing mode.
Now, the next time you are staring at your screen and nothing is happening, put on your running shoes and sports bra, and get outside. The ideas will start to flow the minute you pump your arms.
Hugs and Smiles,