10 Content Ideas For The Holiday Season

It’s November 1st and you have no idea what to write about during the holiday season. Yes, you are cutting it close; but, here are some simple ideas you can write about in a pinch.

$10, $20, $30, Gift Guide: Create a gift guide with some of your favorite items. You can find free images on Pixabay or other sites and create it on Canva or InDesign to add some pizzaz to your post. If you have a Graphic Designer on hand, work with them to create an interactive guide.

Holiday Looks: If your blog or website has a fashion section, you can do holiday looks. You can model the clothes yourself, to save some money. All you have to do is pick a autumn/winter looking location to shoot.

Recipe: This is the season where everyone is baking. You can share your favorite; and, bonus, you’ll have some treats to eat afterwards. However if you don’t bake, then you can do a drink recipe or have a friend bake something.

Travel: You can write about traveling during the winter. Where to go on holiday or even a staycation.

Holiday Business Trends: Share some business tips to fellow content creators, entrepreneurs, etc. What are some of the digital trends you will be implementing in 2018. This will take some research and thinking. So take your time with this article. This can be your last post of 2017.

How To Volunteer This Holiday Season: You can talk about ways people can give; talk about your volunteering experience or highlight a nonprofit. It’s a great reminder to your readers to give.

New Year’s/Christmas/Thanksgiving Makeup Tutorials: This is best done via video. You can just do your makeup without talking and then do a voiceover while editing. You can also ask a friend to come over and do the makeup for you.

What (fill in the holiday) Means To Me: What does your favorite autumn holiday mean to you. This is a personal piece and will give your readers some insight on you as the content creator.

How To Decorate Your Holiday Table: Again, keep it simple. Share one or two holiday table designs and give some insights. You can tailor it for your audience; how to decorate a small apartment, how to decorate your holiday table with no table, etc. You can go to the dollar store, ask some friends for some decorations and take some photos. Keep in mind, this a very photogenic article, so if you are not a photographer, ask someone else to take the photos.

What To Do (Fill In Your City) During The Holidays: Do you live somewhere where the holidays are in full swing? Share some of your favorite local attractions.