What To Do Before Flying

I spent the majority of my childhood doing road trips. With four kids, we drove everywhere. We never flew. Keep in mind, we drove to Texas most of the time, from California.  Needless to say, when I got older and was in charge of my finances, I chose to fly. However, flying comes with it’s own cons.

The people, the security, the delayed flights, the horrible food, etc. Here are some things I do before a flight.

  • Save Your Music: Spotify and other music sharing apps, allow you to save your music offline. You need to do this at home first, as it may take a few hours. That way, you have music available, just in case you are in an airport for too long or there is nothing to your liking on the inflight menu.
  • Give Yourself A Facial Before The Flight: Flying, especially long distances, can be exhausting and taxing on your face. Show your skin some TLC before your flight.
  • Eat: I forget to do this. But it’s important to eat something before your flight. This will keep you calm while dealing with all the airport personal.
  • Buy Water: after you pass through security, buy a water bottle or bring an empty bottle and fill it up. If you are like me, and get dry mouth, you need water. The small water cups they give you on the plane just won’t cut it. Also, it’s great to have some water with you when you land.
  • Pack Your Comfort Level: if I am taking a red eye flight or flying to another country, I make sure my carry on bag has a few items to keep me comfortable. That means, facial wipes, a brush, lip balm, water, deodorant, and sometimes a change of clothes. I know if I am not physically comfortable, I will be testy.


Traveling should be fun and not stressful. The flight is the most stressful part, however with these tips and knowing your comfort level, you can control these stresses. Safe travels.


Hugs and Smiles,
