Colombia Wants To Sell You A Good Time

Nick and I recently went to Colombia, which was the best, most relaxing two weeks of my life. Colombia was my first experience in South America. We went to Bogota and Medellin. Both cities were welcoming.


Hello Bogota. I see you! ©Nicole Moreno-Deinzer

We all know Colombia’s drug history. In fact, as Westerners, that’s often all we know about Colombia. It was not until recently, when we, as a nation, started to travel to Colombia that we realized the country has more to offer than cocaine.

Colombians have a wonderful way of living in the now and being positive. They don’t fret about the past and want to show us what they have now.

They have discos with lively music. Oh, the music was contagious! You think your friends like to dance? Oh no, they have nothing on the people in Colombia. There is no standing against the wall. You don’t know how to dance? Who cares! Just move. Can’t make it to the dancefloor? Dance by your table. Just dance and enjoy your time. Move your feet, grab your date close and sway to the beats coming from the DJ booth.


I mean don’t we all want to be this statue. Naked and lounging. ©Nicole Moreno-Deinzer

There are some great city views. This country is hilly, so climb a bit and you can see the city lights sparkle as if they were candles on a birthday cake. But be careful — don’t blow out these lights.

You can wake up and have your lips touch some delicious coffee. Your mouth and soul will thank you. The coffee is rich and thick with flavor.

Yes, you can still see the ruins of their dark past everywhere. There are still plenty of people in Colombia that live in one room huts that I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to live in.


The best coffee I ever put in my mouth. Go to the Gold Musuem in Bogota…yeah I know a musuem coffee place. ©Nicole Moreno-Deinzer

But, take a cue from the Colombians. Live in the now, smile and move forward, because that is all you can do in this life.

Until we meet again, Colombia.


Posing outside the government offices in Medellin. Needless to say, the security guard was checking us out. ©Nicole Moreno-Deinzer
