Where’s My Television Show?

In the words of Bob Dylan, “times, they are a-changin’.” We recently said goodbye to our first African-American president. Commercials now show biracial couples. There are gay couples on television shows. Yet, even with all of these changes, very few television shows illustrate my world.

For example, on any given night, you will see Nick and I out with friends. The scene might look like this:

Real Life: Dinner with one of his guy friends. At the table, there is white male, a Mexican-American female, and a Vietnamese-American male. We’re talking about stocks and football.

However, your typical television show dinner scene would probably look like this:

Television Show: White male, with a white female girlfriend who is friends with the Mexican-American female and an Asian guy who we just all assume is Chinese. Either the Mexican-American or Asian will speak with an accent. Everyone is talking about the food, or other friends.

You see, television shows say they are diverse. But being diverse doesn’t just mean you have friends of different races and ethnicity. It also means you can date people of different races and ethnicity. And enough with the accents. I love accents, but not every person of a different race speaks with one.

Here’s another example:

Real Life: Drinks with friends. At the table, there is one gay Arab male, one Chilean female, and one Mexican-American female. They are talking about marketing and San Francisco living.

Television: The Arab male will not be gay, or he might be wearing a turban. The Chilean female wouldn’t have blond hair and would be laughing uncontrollably, showing off her boobs. We would be talking about guys because the media tends to portray gay men and Latinas as in a sexual light.

When Nick and I got married, people of the following ethnicities and races were a part of our wedding party: Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino, Afgan, Mexican, and white. Guess what? None of them had an accent, and all were American. I know. Mind-blowing.

I’ll give you a moment to take it in.

But these are just a few examples. I never see a show with a Mexican-American female having tea with white females. I never see a white male having dinner with three Asian males of different ethnicities. Yet, Nick and I live this life. A life, I guess, that is too “out-there” for television.

So when I watch Girls (all-white female cast), I think to myself, do all these females really just have white female friends and date just white males? When I watch Insecure, I think to myself, do all these African-American females just hang out with other African-Americans and date just African-American males? Almost every couple we know is bi-racial. In fact, I can count the number of friends we have that married someone from their same race and ethnicity. It’s four. Four couples-and truthfully, half of them got together because of parental pressure. But that’s for another article.

I am just sick and tired of seeing us segregated on television. Diversity is misrepresented on television.

However, there are a few shows doing a decent decent job being diverse. (It should be noted, that this list took me a few weeks to write. I had to think really hard on diverse shows.)

  • Shameless
  • Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
  • Crazy Ex Girlfriend

The following shows are shows I haven’t seen, but here good things.

  • The Good Place
  • Orange Is The New Black
  • Blackish
  • The Fosters