Latinx Now! And Claudia Vergara Want To Be Your New Friends

Growing up Latino in the United States is a mixed bag. You’re culturally Latin but nationally American. It becomes even more confusing when you watch Latino media. It’s either completely in Spanish or it’s a “white” show with one Latin character. It really makes no sense.

But the powers the be at Telemundo, Universo, and E! have decided to tackle that with their new show Latinx Now! The show premieres on October 3rd.

Latinx Now! Stars three Hispanic influencers Christian Acosta, Nastassja Bolivar, and Claudia Vergara.

Epifania Magazine was able to chat with Claudia Vergara, (and yes she is related to Sofia Vergara), about this new Spanish and English show.

“I was drawn to Latinx Now! because of I apart of the American Latin culture. I am Colombian but I have lived in the United States, for 8 to 9 years. This show really speaks to the Ameican Latin culture,” stated Vergara.

The show is filmed in Spanish and then again in English. There are no subtitles. The Spanish version will air on the Telemundo Entretenimento YouTube channel and on Universo via cable on Wednesday at 1 pm ET. The English version will air on the E! YouTube channel every Wednesday at 3 pm.

“I couldn’t have asked for better co-hosts. Christian and Nastassja are like my parents. I am still learning. They have taught me so much. We also have great chemistry and we are always laughing,” shared Vergara.

Vergara started her career in fashion and has worked in New York for Oscar de la Renta’s fashion house. With her love for fashion and her love for photography, she grew her Instagram account. She has over 175,000 social media followers and has become an influencer for fashion and lifestyle.

“I didn’t go into Instagram as a way to grow my brand. I always loved taking pictures and I studied fashion. So I combined my two loves,” shared Vergara.

Vergara has grown her brand with partnerships with Nike, Cover Girl and more. She now can put co-host on her resume. We cannot wait to join Claudia Vergara and the cast of Latinx Now! every week.