Karina Daza ~ Epifania’s Music Corner

Byron sits down with Karina Daza about her current and future projects and her new single. A New York City native from an immigrant family, Karina’s story began in the basement of her grandmother’s house, where she lived with her young parents.
Did she grow up in a musical family?
“No, my parents are not musicians. We always joke growing up that my mom was kind of tone-deaf. But they really enjoyed music,” shared Daza.
Karina Daza’s love for music comes through with her sound. Her style reflects her diverse musical background as she draws influence from pop, classical, Latin, and jazz. The fusion artist’s range of experience and vocal versatility have led to features on albums of almost every genre (from hip-hop to classical to Latin pop).
Karina’s sophomore EP was released in 2023 to high praise. Currently, Karina is working on future releases while also preparing to announce more tour dates to promote her recent EP, Viajera.
Epifania Music Corner is hosted by Byron Gonzalez and is edited by Nicole Moreno-Deinzer. You can watch this interview and others on our YouTube channel. If you know of an artist you want to interview, or if you want to be interviewed, let us know at nicole@aloveyourlifeoutlook.com