Is Blue Apron Worth It?

Subscription box services are here to stay. They solve an essential the problem for most Millennials and those of Generation Z- TIME. We don’t want to spend time grocery shopping, going to a store to buy clothes, or books. We rather use that time to attend events, Netflix binge, and travel.

It’s no wonder that more and more companies started giving urban dwellers the chance to eliminate grocery shopping AND make in home dinning just as cool as going out.

Enter Blue Apron. A company that started in 2012 in New York City. The founders wanted to give people specialty ingredients and quality produce.

I heard about Blue Apron from ads on Spotify, and (of course) friends. The majority of my friends work in marketing and tech and are always looking for ways to make life easier.

A few weeks ago, a colleague of Nick’s gave him a gift card to try out Blue Apron. We tried it out for two weeks.

Blue Apron gives you two options, the couple option (two people) and the family option. This gives them an idea of which recipes to give you and how much food.

Then you pick out your three dinner recipes. You will be given everything that is required for that meal. However they are not going to give you common seasonings such as salt, pepper, butter, olive oil, etc.

You pick the day of the week you want your package delivered. We chose Monday, as we know we will probably eat in Monday-Wednesday and maybe Thursday.

Blue Apron may seem pricey, it’s about $60 bucks a week. However that is three meals. So that’s about $20 for dinner for two.

Now let’s look into the pros and cons.


  • Ingredients just for that meal (so no food spoiling in our fridge).
  • Easy to read recipes with photos.
  • The food comes in fresh packaging.
  • Creative recipes that give you an opportunity to make meals you never thought you could. (We made codfish; we never make codfish)
  • Ability to skip weeks (you are only charged for the weeks you use it).


  • Meant for people that have semi-stocked kitchens. So you are going to need good knives, cutting boards, kitchen space. Keep that in mind.
  • Remember (though) that this is just dinner. So let’s face it, you are going to have to buy lunch and breakfast items still.

As you can tell the cons are just lifestyle cons. The major benefit Nick and I had from Blue Apron, is we actually were looking forward to making dinner. Instead of making the same dinner items or going out to eat.

Is Blue worth it? Yes, yes it is. Let’s all eat like a boss.

Hugs and Smiles,