20 Spanish Love Songs For Valentine’s Day By: Lupe Llerenas

Whether or not you identify as Latino or Latinx, you can appreciate and admire Spanish songs on a different level. Especially Spanish love songs.
There is no denying that the Spanish-speaking world has absolutely mastered the art of communicating the feelings of love and longing through music in a way that undeniably transcends time. This is perhaps why Spanish love songs have remained so popular throughout the decades. Some of the most romantic songs in the world are in the Spanish language.
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’ve created a playlist to dedicate to your significant other on this special day. We think these Spanish love songs will make the perfect addition to your Valentine’s Day playlist.
Let us know which were your favorite songs? And if you have any songs, in particular, to share with us on this day of love, tag us on social media @epifaniamag.