My 30 Years Represented In Drinks

I have been 30 years old for about 9 months. One sign that truly shows a person’s age is his or her taste in alcohol. You go from drinking to get wasted to drinking to enjoy your time. Here is my life in drinks:


18-19: Margaritas: This was my first mixed drink. I wasn’t a big beer fan and needed something to drink.


19-21: Strawberry Daiquiris: Why I ever liked these is beyond me? They are okay, but oh my, what was a I thinking?


21-23: Lemon Drops and Cosmos: Yes, I was a fan of Sex and The City and I reached for the girl drinks that were pretty. These drinks are fun, but the sugar messed with my stomach.


23-25: Vodka: Basically, vodka with anything. Vodka was my choice of hard liquor. Plus it’s like what everyone orders when they do bottle service-your sort of forced to drink it.


25-27: White Wine and Dark Beer: I started to like wine more, and my beer intake increased. Good dark creamy beer.


27-30: Champagne: Celebrate everyday of life, with some champagne.


29: Gin & Tonic: I am excited that I like gin. I need a hard liquor drink when wine is not available. This is my go-to when I am bar hopping.


30: Rum on ice: I just started to like rum,but I think I was spoiled. I tried Colombian rum first, and now I need to find a decent American rum.


28-30: Red Wine: Red wine and I are lovers that were meant for each other. It is the perfect evening-after-work drink.


28-30: Mojitos: A good mojito is just a beautiful sign that summer is here and life is good.

I wonder what I will drink in the future. Maybe Scotch. Yeah, some scotch, a good book and a cigar, that sounds good.

Hugs and Smiles,