10 Things To Do To Celebrate Pride By: Sayantika Mandal



Pride Parades have been canceled, but you can still show your solidarity for the LGBTQ+ community.

Brush up on your Pride History
Explore archives, collections, and photos from the online resources of your local library to learn more about the resilience and struggle of the LGBTQ+ communities. Read books by LGBTQ+ authors (we can link the other article), or have a movie night.

Bake a Rainbow Cake
If you are into baking, bake a cake with a rainbow to celebrate pride. You can either make a detailed layered cake with food coloring or just use a rainbow topper for your pride-themed cake.

Put your Pride Flag High
Put up a rainbow flag on your window to show solidarity for the community. If you lack space, simply use it as a banner on your social media profiles.

Create Pride Art
Create pride art to redecorate your home. You can make wreaths, bandanas, masks in rainbow colors. Here’s a Pinterest thread to inspire you!

Go to Town Council Meet
Advocate for the LGBTQ+ community in your town council. Ask them to put up the pride flag on the city hall. Make sure that the voices of the LGBTQ+ community are heard.

Donate and Volunteer for LGBTQ+ organizations
Donating for nonprofits who work for the LGBTQ+ is the best way to show your support. If you can’t afford to donate, volunteer for them. Share their good work on social media.

Support LGBTQ+ businesses
With a number of small businesses being hit by the Covid-19 crisis and sheltering in place orders, get your pride swags and keepsakes from LGBTQ+ businesses to support them. Also, tip the virtual drag performers generously when you see them

Share your story
Share your story of coming out through a social media post or on your blog to provide guidance for others to make that leap when they are ready. You can even shoot a one-minute movie on your phone and send it for a contest!

Experiment with Makeup
If you want to add more glam and glitter in your look, this is the time. Create a rainbow eyeshadow look or sparkle with some body glitter.

Teach and Raise Awareness
Make people around you aware of LGBTQ+ issues and the long history of discrimination faced by the community. Discuss with your children issues of gender identity, homosexuality, and inclusiveness, using picture books on the subject.