3 Things I Learned From New York Fashion Week

New York Fashion Week came and went in a flurry. It was such an exhilarating experience filled with fashion, style (which is different than fashion), Lyft rides and always looking for some pizza. I went with Christina from Classtige, Jennifer from El Pepe and Shikha from Wham Bam Glam. We landed the Wednesday before the shows started. Our hotel was conveniently located in midtown. We put our bags down, ate some food and hit the crowd running.

Now I have been to New York several times and love the city that never sleeps. However, I was a Fashion Week newbie. I was bit intimidated, but I know I have style and shoot worse case scenario I will get lost in New York City. If you find yourself at NYFW, learn from my mistakes.

Wear One Statement Piece – You’re whole outfit can a be a statement piece; however, it’s easier on the eyes if you have one thing to focus on. It can be your jacket, sunglasses, nails, etc.

You Can Be Comfortable – People tend to think fashion week is all about high fashion. Depending on the show you are going to, you can wear jeans. You can wear tennis shoes. As long as you dress it up with jewelry or makeup, you will be fine.

Eat. Eat. Eat. – Most shows will have champagne or wine. Very rarely will the shows have water or snacks. So make sure you eat. This may sound simple, but the shows tend to go late, and it takes a while to get ready for a show. I found myself at a lot of shows, hungry.

Remember Fashion Week is not just for fashionable people, or “pretty” people. It is an event meant for creators. So if you ever find yourself at Fashion Week wear what you want to wear. Be you. Trust me, no one will judge.