A Simple Way To Add Color To A Black Dress

dsc_0299 Sometimes in California, the holiday season isn’t very cold. There is a crisp breeze but you don’t need tights. So what is a girl to do? You want to add some holiday cheer to your outfit but you also don’t want to be hot. I think a red beret is a perfect addition to a simple black dress. The black dress is a simple cotton one, that most women have. You can make it a winter outfit or a summer outfit.






I had to smile at my photographer, aka my husband.

In California the sun is usually out. Naturally I had to wear my shades.



Add a bold dark bracelet with the dress. Nothing to bright, as you want the attention on the beret, but nothing to delegate as the hat isn’t a delegate piece. dsc_0313

Hugs and Smiles,
