How To Push Through the 3 p.m. Hour


We all see it. It’s on our laptops, on our cell phones, on the microwave in the communal kitchen, on our watches and oh yes, it’s on the walls. Time. There are 24 hours in a day and 3 p.m. is the worst hour during the workday. We all know it. We all fear it. After our morning energy has dwindled and lunch has kicked in, 3 p.m. creeps up on us. It’s the constant reminder that we still have a few miles to run before the marathon is done.

Whether we work a 9 to 5 or have our own business, that 3 p.m. hour is with us. It lingers in the backs of our minds. It makes us stare at our Facebook feed for way too long, research stupid facts like, “what was the name of that restaurant I ate at last year,” or just stare at our screens like zombies.

When the 3 o’clock hour comes for me, I am ready. I have my little suitcase of skills. The number one thing you need to remember is that you have to change up your atmosphere.

You can change up the music you are listening to, go for a walk, treat yourself to another coffee, go workout and even  set up lunch meetings during the 3 p.m. hour to help you focus. You can also read a book for 10 minutes.

Your mind just needs a five minute break from what you are doing. Don’t try to make yourself focus, because an hour will pass and you will have watched all of Vogue’s YouTube clips. Wait, is that just me?

You need to push through that 3 p.m. crunch. Why? Because, then 5 p.m. will come and you will say to yourself, “fuck, I had this and that to do.” Then, you find yourself at the office until 7 or 8 at night.

Do these things and not only will your afternoons be a little easier to deal with, but you will also be just a little more excited for work when you wake up in the morning. May time be on your side.

Hugs and Smiles,