7 Curious Differences Between Brazil and the USA by: Cintia Romero Garcia


I’ve been living in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2014, and I am truly enjoying this experience more than you can imagine. I continue to notice a few things that are very different between the two countries. If you ever plan to visit Brazil, as a Brazilian I want to first share with you 7 facts about culture that you should know in order to enjoy my beautiful home country.


1) If you want to drink on the street, go for it! Unlike in the USA, you can drink in any public place, from the street or a public cafe to the beach.

2) Don’t expect to have bacon and eggs in your breakfast. Food works a little different in Brazil. Eggs and bacon are served more in the evenings than in the USA. In Brazil the breakfast is lighter. You will find some cake, french bread, toast, fruit and juices. Believe me, it’s as delicious as it sounds, if not more.

3) People get so excited when they meet each other in Brazil! It’s normal to see people greeting with cheek kisses, hugs and touches. Don’t be afraid, Brazilians are very friendly and they like to have a little bit of contact. They won’t hurt you.

4) For Brazilians, the only possible way to consume avocado is in something sweet. You will find everything from avocado smoothies to sugar-sprinkled avocado chunks (eaten with a spoon).

5) Speaking of sugar, because Brazilians do love sugar, you should expect to always receive sugar with coffee, juice or tea. Remember to always say “no sugar, please” if  you need to limit your sugar intake.


6) In Brazil we don’t have dog parks in every city like in the USA, and the majority of places don’t allow dogs. If you are thinking about taking your dog with you, well, think twice. Brazil isn’t very dog friendly and you’ll see a lot of abandoned dogs walking on the street, alone. It’s very sad, but it’s the reality.

7) You probably know it, but there isn’t American Football or Baseball in Brazil, so you are going to miss your 49ers and Giants a lot. We do have soccer, which we call “futbol”. It is our ultimate national passion, which means most people go absolutely crazy for soccer (well, I don’t).

I hope you have a great time in Brazil when you go! And yes, I’m having an amazing time here.

